Helping our school during Covid-19!

It is hard for everyone at this time with Covid-19, many months have passed, and we continue to do so. Also, the fact that the autumn with its cold wind and the increasingly dark days do not help. Perfect time for a large dose of vitamin D and to entertain the head in something useful.

I have the advantage that in my daughters' school, Steiner Pedagogy, support creative. Something that I love and participate actively in the Handwerkgroup. Unfortunately, this year they have had to cancel the now traditional winter market "the Kristoffelmarkt" due to Covid. Whereas every year participates doing some crafts. But this year since we are not able to set up stands, the sale has been taken online. BTW not so easy to set up an online shop, so at the moment we are taking orders by email and very very soon you will find all the crafts made by such talented women in our school.

From my part the last few days, I have spent most of my time stitches giving life to these small crafts that will be in the sale. All the money raised will go to our school.

If you are interested in buying one of my crafts, please send an email to:

Or follow our school on Instagram and Facebook and have a look of what our school can offer you.


Día de Muertos en una familia Belga-Mexicana!