The scream of the unicorn!

I have tried for several years to start writing a blog. It took me a long time to decide to start this project. At first, I wasn't able to find the right topic then I thought I had nothing to say to the world, then words did not come out!

 I was not able to express myself, but over the past year, I realized that I have many things to talk about, anecdotes to tell and experience to share and words just came easy.

A few years ago, I was struggling with my creativity. I felt like a blank book without any text or drawing. And as a birthday present, I got an online course named "365" by Carla Sonheim365, according to the website, was a daily infusion of “right braininess” to supplement all the things you are doing in your life…and make you effectively… more creative! 

 It was just what I needed, a 365 days reminder that I need to draw, paint, listen, write, dance and ponder, it was fun! This helped me get out of my comfort zone and jump back into experimenting. 

One of the exercises that I liked the most was the scream of the unicorn. I do not remember exactly, what the exercise consisted of, but what I do remember is having felt very identified with it, it was like that unicorn that was only in the imagination, full of magic, glitter but enclosed. 

And I tried to represents that feeling in this photo, a unicorn trapped asking to let him to go out and create!


Welkom herfst!